miercuri, 30 iulie 2008


Perioada urmatoare unei decizii drastice...de orice natura...de renuntare la un aspect vital al modului in care ti-ai tarat existenta in ultima vreme...vine cu un pret. Pentru ca orice dependenta nu se face ea singura ca dispare ci e inlocuita cu o alta, probabil momentan mai putin nociva, ajungem intr-un lung sir de dependente, si desigur nu ma refer strict la narcodependente (desi sunt incluse si ele!).

The sweetest part, whatever the case, is the beginning, when you're fully enjoying the benefits of your new found addiction. Afterwards...there are two possibities: either you get the opportunity to fully explore this glorious new "drug" you're on...and suddenly you realize that rutine settles in, because you've been "visiting" far too often and the real bummer is when you know that you don't feel what you used to feel at the beginning...that it isn't working properly, that you don't get butterflies in your stomach, or that it's just not getting you as high as it did at the beginning. So what do you do? You move on, you progress in this case, willfully replacing your old addiction with a new one...and then you start over. The other possibility is when you realize that your addiction is slowly "killing" you, from the inside... And that's painful as hell, when you're still reaping all the pleasures but also becoming aware of the unfortunate outcome, were you to continue nurturing your addiction. And thus you regress...you give up your glorious addiction for something far less interesting, and far less powerful and meaningful...or take the heroic way out, by letting your addiction consume you instead.

Ceva ne face sa "ticaim" la un moment dat...asta e adevarul...si la fel de adevarat e faptul ca la un moment dat n-o sa mai facem tic-tac. Ei, ramane de vazut fiecare cat curaj are sa schimbe obiectul si cat curaj sa suporte perioada de DUPA.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind does seem appropriate at this time...I think i'm gonna watch it again today.

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mace spunea...

O sa iti dau asta: Psychedelic Drugs and the Awakening of Kundalini sa citesti